Saturday, October 16, 2010


    Landscaping is first and foremost a visual art. Those involved in the art as professionals and who wish to advertise their services can do no better than utilizing a web site to display their skills. A well executed Internet layout is ideal for addressing not only the visual appeal of a gardener or landscaper's professional skills; it is also the perfect forum for discussion of the many details that go into a quality landscaping effort.
    Consider the alternatives. Radio advertising is pointless, television is usually too expensive - and at best, offers sixty seconds of exposure - and direct mail is also limited both by expense and by the amount of physical space provided for a professional to prove his or her worth. A website, by contrast, can go as deeply into your skills, your knowledge and your portfolio of accomplishments as you wish.
    Every architectural firm of any size or stature uses the web to showcase the castles they have built. A landscaper's website can provide the same arresting photography found in the best architectural presentations. With the unlimited space available for photographs, landscape websites can illustrate the juxtaposition of the design as it relates to the structures that the completed landscaping surrounds.

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